September 7, 2007


after being asked recently why i haven't been blogging i realized something: i haven't been blogging. at all.
so here i am.
and "blogging" is a weird sounding word. it sounds like a fish going glug-glug through the water with its gills. except i guess that would be glugging not blogging. almost the same thing.

i'm not sure where to start.

Ok, short version: I'm quitting my job with the non-profit industrial complex, wandering around for a minute, and then going to Palestine to work on setting up a youth center in Al Xhaleel (aka Hebron)with a friend of mine/some people i met when i was there last. during the wandering period and the time before i quit my job (i've already told 'em, but i'm giving 'em time to find someone new, etc) i'm working on fundraising for said youth center (that's said like, i said it earlier, not said like edward said...just to be clear). and i'm working on various other things...including divestment & support for khalil gibran international academy- the dual language arabic-english school that just opened in brooklyn. before it opened, however, due to right-wing pressure, the principal was overwhelmed with public/media pressure and had to resign. the new principal: a jewish, non-arabic speaking Zionist. Yup. Seriously. So i'm workin on that a lot.

Oh. Another thing- you remember how i'm kind of loud? some might say...overwhelming? the other day, i was hanging out with folks after a jfrej meeting (jews for racial & economic justice- that's who i've been doing a lot of the khalil gibran academy support work with- i mean, i've been working with a coalition, that includes a lot of org's including arab women in arts and media, people from the school design team, first unitarian church, n more... but jfrej is a part of the coalition and so i've been one of their rep's...) and I actually had to struggle to be loud enough (literally, volume-wise) to be heard and I actually felt overwhelmed. It was great! :-) Haha.

Oh, and speaking of loudness...myy little cousins are adorable (and loud) (because they're kids). I have one who's 11 and one who's about 6. SO cute. The 11 year old is totally a person now, and I love it. The 6 year old likes to play and cuddle. And has the softest hair in the world. And calls herself a "princess," but also likes to play baseball (even though she can never remember which direction to run). The 11 year old knows how to play baseball, is an avid Mets fan and hates the Yankees with an equal passion. She's just discovering the world of fashion and shopping for the first time (with a bunch of grown ups who say "You know you can get brand names at Marshalls and Kohls for cheap!") but also still complaining about the boys who flirt with her and are "annoying." And also, she cried when Bush got re-elected. Oh, and you know those calendars that count down till Bush's last day? Yea, the 6 year old wants one o' those. Haha. See, they're great!

That said (again, not Edward), I am SERIOUSLY considering moving back to the bay after I come back from Palestine....Just to put that out there. Wanna convince me? Okay, ready, go! convince...i'm waiting.

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