August 8, 2007

as though i haven't already made enough lists for one day....

inspired by a current instant message conversation, here is a list of some things i don't like, followed by another list of some i do:

microsoft excel
microsoft in general
the irs
insurance companies
window fans that are so loud i have to check and see if there's actually a helicopter flying directly outside my window
sales recordings that dial your number trying to sell you airline stuff and begin the call by making plane sounds (it's very disconcerting)
did i say capitalism?
that time in the morning between waking up and drinking coffee
the way if you wear flip flops in nyc (bklyn incl.) your feet end up greyish at the end of the day
did i say roaches?

of course, the rest of what i usually dislike still applies (Israel, the U.S., war, occupation, prisons, cops, patriarchy, heterosexism, racism, etc) but the list above was just particularly relevant to my last day or so.

things i do like:
watching teenage girls kee-ya (sp?) and break through boards with their hands or feet and listening to their excitement about it before and afterwards
smoking a cigarette on the sidewalk in nyc
the trees blowing in the wind outside my window
my new air conditioner
breaking boards myself (such an amazing feeling!)
people that inspire me
people whose eyes light up when they are inspired
park slope
that one of my walls in my room is made of brick, which goes perfectly with my color scheme
people who are friendly on the phone
writing poetry in Prospet Park on my lunch break
living within easy travel distance of my family and getting to do things i couldn't before, like meet my brother's new girlfriend and see my little cousins grow up
talking to people from other org's in ny and feeling the movement building over the phone as we make connections with each other
laughing with coworkers
people who teach what they love and love it
blogging and imagining you all reading what i write, and feeling like that makes me a little less far away

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